Barnebirkie Youth Ski Tour

Thursday, February 19, 2026
Non-Competitive Youth Ski Event
Main Street, Hayward, WI

Swiss Miss Logo
Johnson Financial Group Logo

The Barnebirkie is Where Birkie Dreams Begin!

Open to skiers between the ages 3 and 13, this non-competitive ski events gets kids excited to be outside, on skis, and having fun. Kids choose the distance that they are ready to ski: a 1/2 km, 1km, or 3km course, all ending on Main Street in Hayward, WI, at the iconic finish line of the American Birkebeiner. #Birkie2026

This event is non-competitive. Youth skiers looking to compete can race in the Junior Birkie on the same day at 1pm.

Barnebirkie Wave/Distance Options

The Barnebirkie will start behind the Intermediate and Primary Schools and finish on Main Street in the Celebration Zone between 3rd and 4th Street in downtown Hayward, WI.

WaveStart TimeDistanceStart LocationRecommend Age
Purple11:30 am500 m (0.3 miles)Behind the Intermediate School3 to 8; Beginner
Red11:35 am3 km (1.9 miles)Behind the Intermediate School8 to 13; Intermediate to Advanced
Green11:40 am1 km (0.6 miles)Behind the Intermediate School5 to 10; Intermediate to Advanced

Wave Assignment

Barne skiers registering for the 3 km tour will be in the Red Wave.

Barne skiers registering for the 1 km tour will be in the Green Wave.

Barne skiers registering for the 500 m tour will be in the Purple Wave.

Race Start – Behind the Intermediate and Primary Schools

Race Finish – American Birkebeiner Finish Line on Main Street!

Limited parking is found in downtown Hayward. Please help ease the traffic congestion by utilizing the designated spectator parking on Hwy B (noted in orange on the map below). Buses will run continuously from 9:30 am to 4:30 pm from the Spectator Lot to the Registration Bus Stop, and from the Registration Bus Stop and the Celebration Zone Bus Stop to the Spectator Lot. Parking restrictions are in place on most of the downtown area streets.

9:30 to 11:30am – Intermediate School

Please enter through the D entrance at the Intermediate School! Participants will receive their bib and Barnebirkie hat. Jr. Gear bags that were purchased during registration will also be available for pick-up during the scheduled bib pick-up hours.

To avoid congestion, we recommend just one representative per family pick up bib(s).

Thank you!

Barkie Barne Jr Maps 2025 (1)

Please note the following important information regarding the safety of the children and the integrity of the course:

  • Any adult accompanying Barne skiers on the course must be on skis. Otherwise, adults must stay off of the groomed ski course. Thank you!
  • Meet your little skier directly outside of the Finish Line. Volunteers will be on hand to reunite skiers and family members. Please stay out of the direct finish line – some skiers may come in fast!

*Please note that none of the Barnebirkie distances go over the American Birkebeiner International Bridge.

Please help ease the traffic congestion by utilizing the designated spectator parking on Hwy B. Buses will run continuously from 9:30 am to 4:30 pm from the Spectator Lot to the Registration Bus Stop, and from the Registration Bus Stop and the Celebration Zone Bus Stop to the Spectator Lot. Parking restrictions are in place on most of the downtown area streets.


Swiss Miss hot chocolate and homemade cookies courtesy of the Sons of Norway await every participant in the Celebration Tent near the finish area!

Commemorative Gifts

All children will receive a Barnebirkie medal, race bib, and a participant hat!

Presenting Sponsors of the Barnebirkie

Swiss Miss
Johnson Financial Group

Supporting Sponsors of the Barnebirkie

Sons of Norway

Gold Circle Elite
Gold Level Sponsors of the Major Birkie Events Year-Round

Kwik Trip
Tamarack Health
Republic Services
Backroads Coffee
Earth Rider Brewery
Timber Ford