New Birkebeiner Capstone Monument Completed!
Becker Law Link Bridge & Birkebeiner Capstone Monuments
The new Birkebeiner Capstone Monument as you ascend the trail toward the new Becker Law Link bridge over Highway 77 is finished and completed.
Each year forevermore in spring, summer, winter and fall, over twenty thousand Birkie trail users are passing by two giant boulders unearthed from next to the Birkie trail. The boulders mark the safe trail passage and crossing of Becker Law Link bridge just east of Hayward.
Each large Capstone Monument boulder prominently features only ten donor names. The Monument is already filled. There are 20 total Capstone Donors! These donors names are forevermore on the boulders of this iconic Birkie Trail feature.
This project “capped” the final Birkie Trail bridge projects, connecting the Birkie Trail on the north and south sides of Highway 77 and improving access to the World Class Birkebeiner Trail for all.
For additional information, contact
Birkebeiner Capstone Monument Honor Roll
Thomas, Jeffrey & Matthew Peller
Miles, Maggie & Teddy Anderson
Lori Steinbach
In Honor of Brian P. Carey
John & Brenda Dettloff
Allen Campbell & Damin Zacho
Treland Family & Treeland Resorts
In Honor of Herman “Jackrabbit” Smith-Johannsen
The Birchleggings Club
Linnea, Kath, Mark, Sara & Kevin Ousdigian
In Memory of John O’Connell
Laura, Joel & Ben Koenig
Ralph Hansen Hendrix
Boemer & Ullrich Families
Marilyn & Greg Franzen Let it Snow!
Steve, Pat, Debbie Becky, and Ross Gordon
Jill Cederholm & Robert Mairs
Kevin & Krista Drewiske
New Moon Bike & Ski Shop
Skiers, Keep Digging Deep! – Thomas Pearce